Thursday, July 10, 2008

A little preview of the coloring on a little something I'm working on... and below is the line art.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's been busy...


Among other things, in the past few days I went to Warped Tour... here are some photos .

Anyway, I got to hang out with my ever-awesome pal Nick, I got some cheap merch, a nice sunburn and paid too much for gatorade... and then we got to see the most amazing thing... Angelo from Fishbone came on stage during the Aggrolites set and they did (among other songs) Party at Ground Zero. I seriously had the biggest smile on my face for the rest of the day (until it started storming).

Immediately the next morning, my wife and I went to Western Nebraska to hang out with my family for the 4th holiday. It was awesome. There was a cook out and some fireworks and we went and saw Wall-E.

All in all, a nice little vacation.

So, after a weekend of fun at my parent's house, we're back home.

I have actually had some awesome freelance work fall in my lap that I'm not ready to talk about right now, but I'll share the good news in a few days (once all the contracts are signed and I'm allowed to talk about it).

Sorry for the cliffhanger.

Okay, time to work...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wiggle While You Work.

I've been drawing a comic or two a week since January. The plan being that I'll compile the pages into a comic and then use a p.o.d. and give the book to family and friends for Christmas. The book is going to be called "WIGGLE WHILE YOU WORK" (10 points to the person that gets the reference).

I'm not going to show many of the pages online, but I wanted to share the comic I made today.
