Monday, April 27, 2009

Run Rudy Run

It's been a while since I posted. Lots of things have been happening... art and work and comics and dogs and fun. The past couple weeks we've been fighting with a leaky roof and working on Scooters.

This summer should be interesting since our loft is 2000+ square feet and we only have one small window A/C unit... can't wait to start the sweating. We'll probably go to a lot of movies just for the A/C.

Anyway, on with the fun stuff...

So, I decided to paint a mighty-mugg like myself... I'm still not done, but this is what he's looking like so far. Fun, huh? I have one of Sarah in the works too.

Also, I have started drawing in this neat little Japanese style moleskine (the pages accordion out so it's one long piece... totally fun).


I've started a flickr set with the pages. You can find it HERE.

1 comment:

Struble said...

That Mighty Mugg is freaking awesome. Great work.

When you gonna do one of me? :D